
The Student-Centered Accountability Program (S-CAP) established a cross-district collaborative approach to accountability and improvement in 2015. The S-CAP is timely, meaningful, considers the whole child, and engages community stakeholders in a continuous cycle of improvement and innovation supported by a network of peers.
Student Success
S-CAP emphasizes the whole student including their academic competence, thinking processes, and disposition towards learning. S-CAP evidence of student success goes beyond state and local assessments to include student engagement and mindsets.
System Support
Evaluating the capacity of the systems that support student success is an essential function of accountability. S-CAP uses System Support Reviews –collaborative peer reviews utilizing diverse sources of evidence– to provide feedback to districts about the degree to which their system supports student success
Strategic Priorities
S-CAP districts use feedback from system support reviews to engage local school boards, establish/update district strategic priorities, monitor performance, and ensure the district continuously improves its capacity to support student success.